All posts by Yves Ledermann

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Empfohlene WLAN Signalstärken






Empfehlungen zur Signalstärke gemäss

Signal Strength Required for
-30 dBm Max achievable signal strength. The client can only be a few feet from the AP to achieve this. Not typical or desirable in the real world. N/A
-67 dBm Minimum signal strength for applications that require very reliable, timely packet delivery. VoIP/VoWiFi, streaming video
-70 dBm Minimum signal strength for reliable packet delivery. Email, web
-80 dBm Minimum signal strength for basic connectivity. Packet delivery may be unreliable. N/A
-90 dBm Approaching or drowning in the noise floor. Any functionality is highly unlikely. N/A

Note: The numbers in this chart are suggestions only. The desired signal strengths will vary, based on the requirements for the network.